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com.mysql.cluster.crund.NdbJTieLoad Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for com.mysql.cluster.crund.NdbJTieLoad:
Collaboration diagram for com.mysql.cluster.crund.NdbJTieLoad:


class  CommonAB_RA
class  Model

Static Public Member Functions

static void main (String[] args)

Protected Member Functions

void initProperties ()
void initLoad () throws Exception
void closeLoad () throws Exception
void initOperations ()
void closeOperations ()
void beginTransaction ()
void executeOperations ()
void commitTransaction ()
void rollbackTransaction ()
void closeTransaction ()
void fetchCommonAttributes (CommonAB_RA cab, NdbOperation op)
int verifyCommonAttributes (CommonAB_RA cab)
void ins (TableConst table, int from, int to, boolean setAttrs, boolean batch)
void delByPK (TableConst table, int from, int to, boolean batch)
int delByScan (TableConst table, boolean batch)
void setByPK (TableConst table, int from, int to, boolean batch)
void fetchCommonAttributes (ByteBuffer cab, NdbOperation op)
int verifyCommonAttributes (ByteBuffer cab)
void getByPK_bb (TableConst table, int from, int to, boolean batch)
void getByPK_ar (TableConst table, int from, int to, boolean batch)
void setVarbinary (TableConst table, int from, int to, boolean batch, byte[] bytes)
void setVarchar (TableConst table, int from, int to, boolean batch, String string)
void getVarbinary (TableConst table, int from, int to, boolean batch, byte[] bytes)
void getVarchar (TableConst table, int from, int to, boolean batch, String string)
void setB0ToA (int nOps, boolean batch)
void nullB0ToA (int nOps, boolean batch)
void navB0ToA (int nOps, boolean batch)
void navB0ToAalt (int nOps, boolean batch)
void navAToB0 (int nOps, boolean forceSend)
void navAToB0alt (int nOps, boolean forceSend)
void initConnection ()
void closeConnection ()
void clearData ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.mysql.cluster.crund.NdbBase
void clearPersistenceContext () throws Exception
void printProperties ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.mysql.cluster.crund.CrundDriver
void init () throws Exception
void close () throws Exception
void runTests () throws Exception
void runLoads () throws Exception
void runLoad () throws Exception
void runSeries (int nOps) throws Exception
void runLoad (int nOps) throws Exception
void runSequence (int nOps) throws Exception
void runOperation (Op op, int nOps) throws Exception
void appendError (String where)
void reportErrors ()
final void verify (String where, int exp, int act)
void initConnections () throws Exception
void closeConnections () throws Exception
- Protected Member Functions inherited from com.mysql.cluster.crund.Driver
boolean parseBoolean (String k, boolean vdefault)
int parseInt (String k, int vdefault)
void writeProperties (String fileName)
void clearLogBuffers ()
void writeLogBuffers (String descr)
void begin (String name)
void finish (String name)

Static Protected Member Functions

static String toStr (NdbErrorConst e)

Protected Attributes

Ndb_cluster_connection mgmd
Ndb ndb
Model model
NdbTransaction tx
- Protected Attributes inherited from com.mysql.cluster.crund.NdbBase
String mgmdConnect
String catalog
String schema
- Protected Attributes inherited from com.mysql.cluster.crund.CrundDriver
final EnumSet< XMode > xMode = EnumSet.noneOf(XMode.class)
boolean renewConnection
boolean renewOperations
boolean logSumOfOps
boolean allowExtendedPC
int nOpsStart
int nOpsEnd
int nOpsScale
int maxVarbinaryBytes
int maxVarcharChars
int maxBlobBytes
int maxTextChars
final Set< Stringexclude = new HashSet<String>()
final Set< Stringinclude = new HashSet<String>()
String operationName
StringBuilder errorBuffer
boolean failOnError
final List< Opops = new ArrayList<Op>()
- Protected Attributes inherited from com.mysql.cluster.crund.Driver
final Properties props = new Properties()
boolean logRealTime
boolean logMemUsage
boolean includeFullGC
int nRuns
PrintWriter log
String descr = ""
boolean logHeader
StringBuilder header
StringBuilder rtimes
StringBuilder musage
long t0 = 0
long m0 = 0

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from com.mysql.cluster.crund.Driver
 Driver ()
void run ()
- Static Protected Attributes inherited from com.mysql.cluster.crund.CrundDriver
static final String string1 = myString(1)
static final String string2 = myString(2)
static final String string3 = myString(3)
static final String string4 = myString(4)
static final String string5 = myString(5)
static final String string6 = myString(6)
static final String string7 = myString(7)
static final byte[] bytes1 = myBytes(string1)
static final byte[] bytes2 = myBytes(string2)
static final byte[] bytes3 = myBytes(string3)
static final byte[] bytes4 = myBytes(string4)
static final byte[] bytes5 = myBytes(string5)
static final byte[] bytes6 = myBytes(string6)
static final byte[] bytes7 = myBytes(string7)
static final String[] strings = { string1, string2, string3, string4, string5, string6, string7 }
static final byte[][] bytes = { bytes1, bytes2, bytes3, bytes4, bytes5, bytes6, bytes7 }

Detailed Description

The CRUND benchmark implementation against NDBJTIE.

Definition at line 54 of file

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